Suchana’s Education Resource Centre runs 8 programmes – 4 teaching programmes and 4 cross-cutting programmes which work across age groups. All are underpinned by a focus on quality, creative work, and equality
Supporting Adivasi Identity

Cross-cutting Programme | Suchana believes that all children should have opportunity in their early years education to learn through their first languages. There is global evidence showing that first language approaches provide stronger foundations to later learning. We believe that the lack of this opportunity in the first years of education is an important contributing...
Multilingual Early Learning Group
Teaching Programme | The Early Learning Group (ELG), for children aged 4-12, runs twice a week in 3 village centres for about 150 children from 9 villages. The ELG continues to be a flagship programme, one of the central elements driving the educational approach of the Resource Centre. The ELG aims to: Support basic literacy...
Pre School

Teaching Programme | The pre-school aims to: Provide foundations to literacy and numeracy in a positive, child-centred learning environmentUndertake first language teaching and learning (mainly Santali)Provide an introduction to basic Bengali (the school language)Promote the social, emotional and physical development of children, drawing on cultural resources such as Santali songs, rhymes and dance, and hands...
Integrated Technology in Education

Teaching Programme | From 2009, the tuitions courses have offered text-book based study groups twice a week in the vulnerable subjects, Maths and English, for children in classes 5 to 10, and adding Life Science for classes 7 to 10 of the government schools. The Tuitions programme aims to: Support children in a variety of...
Activity Groups

Cross-cutting Programme | Activity Groups are 10-week mini-courses in subjects ranging from local and non-local crafts to science experiments and first-language creative writing. They are entirely voluntary: at the beginning of a session, children involved in the teaching programmes sign up to courses they are interested in and which are running at a time they...
Health Project

Cross-cutting Programme | The Health Programme aims to: Ensure that children are physically healthy (in the context of learning).Address health challenges in the community.Promote sanitation and hygiene within Suchana and beyond. Suchana’s health worker attends ELG sessions conducting basic health checks for all the children, treating cuts and bruises, controlling nits, trimming nails and teaching...
Mobile Library

Cross-cutting Programme | The main Library and Mobile Libraries aim to; Ensure that a wider population of Santal and Kora children have an opportunity to access story books in their own languages, by disseminating Suchana’s Santali and Kora publicationsMake learning more interesting by providing a wide range of books available to children, under an open...
Computer Courses

Teaching Programme | The Computer Courses aim to: Increase access to basic computer technology for primary and secondary children and young adultsEmphasise the role technology can play in learning, and facilitate children to understand and access this role. The computer courses started in 2009, teaching a children’s course and a young adults’ course in parallel,...

Cross-cutting Programme | Suchana runs a series of community events, some every year, and some occasional in association with particular programmes. These include Science Fairs for Suchana’s students and other local schools, which are interactive events in which students demonstrate science concepts to other students and community members of all ages, the Multilingual Annual Show...