
Cross-cutting Programme

Suchana runs a series of community events, some every year, and some occasional in association with particular programmes.

Science Fairs

Science Fairs for Suchana’s students and other local schools. These are interactive events in which students demonstrate science concepts to other students and community members of all ages.

Multilingual Annual Show

Every year since 2005, children have put together performances in four languages showcasing dance, drama, gymnastics and circus skills:

Children’s Mela

Every year, Suchana students create games and stalls for a Suchana fair for friends and the community to come and enjoy.

ITE Mela

Suchana has showcased the integrated approach to technology in the classroom at events for community members, local schools and other organisations promoting the approach in West Bengal. These interactive events have included opportunities for visiting students to experiment with their own project making, and for Suchana students to present some of the projects they have made.